Well today marks the 1 week mark with Ambers surgery. Up till now she has been doing very well. Eating normal, bathroom breaks good, and attitude well as good as can be expected. Today I've notice a few different things going on. Last night she did not sleep well and I had to repeatedly tell her to lay down. This morning she did not want to eat before going outside. Not like her at all.
I noticed she had a little diarrhea and when she came in still did not want to eat. I'm thinking this is from the antibiotic maybe causing havoc in her stomach. I tried to give her the meds with peanut butter (which has been working like a charm) and she refused them. I finally had to force them in which I don't like to do. I made up some gravy to put in her food and she ate some of that now. She is also developing a red spot on her leg. I have not noticed her licking that area but will have to watch it so it does not turn into a hot spot. Hopefully our 2nd week won't turn into the bad week.
Here is a picture of her leg and red spot.
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